Sledgehammer of sentimentality in new Qantas safety demo

2016 Safety Video was refreshing
About two years ago, Qantas abandoned their full syrup theme ‘we call Australia home’ music, and made a safety video that used images from all over Australia to visually supply the tourist message. It was charming. It used to choke me up as I remembered places I had been, or Australian personality types I have met. It had a special effect when viewed on a trip from overseas back to Sydney. It looked like this:
2018 Safety video … not so much
Well, now Qantas has gone ‘extreme syrup’ with a new safety video, using a contemporary version of the Peter Allen classic ‘we still call Australia home’, and setting itself at a range of Qantas worldwide destinations. Take yourself to fast food diabetic heaven for the next 7 minutes. Too long?
I think, compared to the 2016 version, this one is a sledgehammer of saccharine sentimentality. Sorry, I need to go have an insulin shower.
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