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QANTAS: Opportunities for sacked Bonza staff and free flights for customers

QANTAS: Opportunities for sacked Bonza staff and free flights for customers

Qantas has got straight onto the bandwagon of the collapsed, but not quite liquidated Bonza Airlines. It is extending its offer of free flights to affected Bonza customers, and a registration process for ex-Bonza staff.

Bonza staff

Now ex-Bonza staff who were sacked today, can register on the Jetstar career site who have set up a special page, for potential employment.

Bonza Customers

Qantas/Jetstar and Virgin Australia both offered support for Bonza customers who were stranded when Bonza collapsed. Qantas has renewed its support, after it was announced that Bonza would not honour currently issued tickets.

Qantas and Jetstar have already flown 25,000 passengers booked on Bonza, at no cost, over the last six weeks since Bonza’s initial collapse.

If you are holding a Bonza ticket that will no longer be honoured, then contact Jetstar or Qantas, who will provide support if they can through until the end of June 2024.

Bonza customers can book their seats by contacting Jetstar on LiveChat or 13 15 38 or Qantas on 13 13 13. 

Bonza Airlines 737 at Sunshine Coast Airport August 2023 [Schuetz/2PAXfly]
Bonza Airlines 737 at Sunshine Coast Airport August 2023 [Schuetz/2PAXfly]

2PAXfly Takeout

Great move by Qantas. This will be a small investment to move ex-Bonza customers on to either Qantas or Jetstar for their future travel. It should also assist distressed Bonza customers. However, because of Bonza’s unique route map, it may only be possible to fly customers to their original route. The departure point and destination will need to match a Qantas/Jetstar current destination.

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