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QANTAS: have they stopped featuring the hateful SKYNEWS in their lounges?

QANTAS: have they stopped featuring the hateful SKYNEWS in their lounges?

I’m in Adelaide, awaiting my flight to Melbourne on my way back to Sydney (long way round because: Double Status Credits!).

I just glanced up at the TV monitors while waiting for my butter chicken and cheese plate.

Notice anything different?

Yes, that’s right, no more hateful Murdoch owned SkyNews on the TV. All the monitors have been changed to ABC News.

a screen with text on it

I’m wondering if this is a network wide change, or just an Adelaide aberration.

2PAXfly Takeout

This is another timely reminder to wear your seatbelt when seated. Holding you close to your seat will protect you from the sort of injuries sustained on this flight, when unsecured passengers flew to the ceiling of the aircraft, and then came crashing down once the ‘drop’ ceased.

The hope will be that this is an anomaly – a ‘freak accident’ in casual parlance. If it is a systemic error either mechanical or electronic, then this is a larger concern for the airlines that fly Boeing Dreamliner 787 aircraft. Let’s hope it isn’t. If it is, it will pile on the woes to Boeing’s existing stack.

I hope its network wide, so I no longer have to endure the space-cadet, gender abusing, homephobic, conspiracy theory mongering Sky after Dark while trying to work or relax in a Qantas lounge.

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